
Serkan Anilir, suspicion of falsifying his career

Serkan Anilir is a Doctor of engineering, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo.
Until now, he has been recognized as a multi-talented scientist by japanese and turkish people.
However, surprisingly, he may be lying about much of his career trajectory.
Serkan Anilir, suspicion of falsifying his career

Serkan Anilir is NOT an astronaut candidate ?

・Although he has been introduced himself as the first astronaut candidate of 2004 from the Republic of Turkey, who completed the NASA astronaut training program in 2001 (Reference. [1][2][3][4][5].),
his name is not on the list of astronaut candidates of 2004.
→ http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/Bios/04class.html
Likewise, his name is not on other astronaut candidates lists of 2000 and 1998, and not on active astronauts lists (American and non-american).

↓ Moreover, he has showed fabricated composite photograph as proof of selection as astronaut candidate of 2004.

↓ Serkan's photo is very similar to that of Richard J. Hieb, a mission specialist on the crew of STS-49 !

Serkan Anilir has taken advantage of this composite photograph in his poster for lecture in wakayama university, article for business magazine, and literary works.

Disucussion about the picture of Serkan.

・Commemorative photo with spacesuit is usually distributed from NASA when the astronaut is commissioned for a flight, but not when he or she is selected as an astronaut candidate.

・The NASA's logo in Serkan's photo is an old type, which had been used until 1992.

・The space-suit in Serkan's photo is an old type. Recent models of spacesuit have no joint between arm and shoulder parts

・The mission patch put on space suit is for STS-49 (1992).

Therefore, it is highly possible that Serkan's photo is composite, which are superimposed on the picture of Richard J. Hieb.

Serkan Anilir has NOT published any papers in physics
and did NOT win any scientific prizes ?

He introduce himself an astrophysicist (space physicist), who receieved the U.S Technology Award, the physics award of Cambridge University (2005), and American Medal of Honor (2005). (Referance. [6][7])
However, until now, He has not published any papers with referee reading in scientific journal about physics or mathematics.

Moreover, he has enumerated the following scholarly attainments in his laboratory homepage of Department of Architecture, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo (Reference. [8]).

ANILIR S., “ A Proposal to understand the 11th Dimensional membrane universes and their architectural forms in space environment”, Physical Review Letters, Publisher: University of Cambridge, 2003/09, p. 39-50.
S.Anilir: Designing in Parallel Universes and 11th Dimension: Physical Review Letter, January 2004 Edition, p.22, (2003).
ANILIR S., “Energy for Housing in the 21st Century- Advanced Technology
Paths from Space Solar Power into Terrestrial Architecture”Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, Middle East Technical University (METU): Vol. 23, No. 9-10, (2003).

However, Publisher of Physical Review Letters (PRL) is American Physical Society(APS) but not University of Cambridge, and the above 1st paper with 12 page could not be published in PRL due to page limitation.
Furthermore, his name (Anilir Serkan) does not apper in PRL archive (http://prl.aps.org/).

Likewise, the above third serkan's paper can not be found in METU journal archive (http://jfa.arch.metu.edu.tr/). Besides, No.9-10 that seem to contain the avove third serkan's paper must not exist because METU journal of the faculty of architecture contain only No.1 and No.2 per issue.

Moreover, tertiary sources about his winning the U.S Technology Award, the physics award of Cambridge University, and American Medal of Honor do not exist. It's hardly possible that he received American Medal of Honor because Medal of Honor is the highest military decoration awarded by the United States government.

Serkan Anilir is NOT a Head of Space Physics Department, JAXA, nor associate proffesor of the University of Tokyo.
In several countries including Turcky and Korea, he has identified himself as a Head (President) or team leader of Space Physics Department, JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) or associate proffesor of the University of Tokyo (See below three links)
However, he is a mere resercher of JAXA (Ref. [9]) and assistant professor in The University of Tokyo.

・↓ International Infra-free Architecture Symposium held in istanbul (Turky) and sponsored by turkish company, Çanakkale Seramik & Kalebodur, KALE group.
・↓ A Gateway to Heaven’ASANSOR’2005 Conference, April 2005 held in istanbul (Turky)
・↓ Elginkan group publication
・↓ Conferece held in Korea in 2006 (http://blog.anilir.net/?month=200611&page=2)

↑ * As previously mentioned, it is highly possible that he is not astronaut candidate, much less astronaut/mission specialist.

Serkan Anilir was NOT a Instructor at mathematics department of Princeton University ?

He has announced that he was an instructor at mathematics department of Princeton University in 1997.
However, there is no employment record about him in Internet Archive of Princeton University's homepage.
Note that he has no achievements such as papor in fields like mathematics or physics.

Patents that Serkan Anilir has announced as his accomplishment does NOT exist.

He announced, in his laboratory homepage (the University of Tokyo) or conference, that he has three patents, "EU Patent 3,743,229 ‘SPIDER FACADE SYSTEM’, July 2001" and "US Patent 6,324,603 ‘AIR-SUPPORTED CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM’, October 2002" and "U.S. Patent 6,378,203".

However, EU Patent EP 3,743,229 does not exist,
→ (http://ep.espacenet.com/searchResults?locale=en_EP&NUM=3743229&ST=number&compact=false&DB=ep.espacenet.com )
Besides, US Patent 6,324,603 and 6,378,203 are others' patents.
→ (http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/6324603/claims.html)
→ (http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/6378203/fulltext.html
(Inventors: Lu, James W. B. Sanatgar, Homayoun. Holt, Neil. Johnson, Gary F.)



東大工学系研究科建築学専攻教員 アニリール・セルカン博士の経歴・業績に関わる疑惑の検証


【0:Introduction アニリール・セルカン氏とは】

英文氏名: ANILIR, Serkan 
1973年ドイツ生まれ。国籍はトルコ共和国。大学卒業までをドイツ、スイス、アメリカで過ごす。1995年イリノイ工科大学建築学科卒業、1997年プリンストン大学数学部講師に就任。1999年バウハウス大学建築学科修士課程終了。2003年東京大学大学院工学系研究科建築学専攻博士課程を修了、日本宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA)宇宙科学研究本部宇宙構造物工学研究室講師を経て、現在、東京大学大学院工学系研究科建築学専攻助教、ローマ大学・ナポリ大学・モントリオール大学客員教授、東京理科大学・筑波大学非常勤講師などを務める。2001年NASAジョンソンスペースセンター宇宙構造・材料系客員研究員として宇宙飛行士プログラムを終了、2004年トルコ人初宇宙飛行士候補に選ばれる。宇宙エレベーター計画など、宇宙構造物に関する研究開発により、U.S Technology Award 、ケンブリッジ大学物理賞及びAmerican Medal of Honorを受賞。現在は先端技術を応用し、インフラに依存しないで暮せる空間技術(INFRA-FREE LIFE)を開発、研究している。また、日本科学未来館の全天周映画「宇宙エレベータ」の監修、和歌山県串本町の串本大使、子供・企業向けの講演など、その活動は多岐にわたっている。著書に、「宇宙エレベーター」(大和書房)、「タイムマシン」(日経BP)、「ポケットの中の宇宙」(中央公論新書)がある。--以上、セルカン氏のblogのプロフィールより(http://blog.anilir.net/?pid=1204



  • アニリール・セルカン氏は「宇宙物理学者」であり11次元宇宙の研究で受賞したことになっていますが、氏を著者とする物理学に関する論文は一編も発表されていません。
  • 東京大学、およびJAXAのホームページ等で公表されていたセルカン氏の業績リストに掲載されていた物理学の論文は、現実には存在しない架空のものです。
  • 東京大学で公表されていたセルカン氏の業績リストに掲載されていた知的財産権2件については、一件は他人の特許であり、もう一件は存在しない特許です。
  • 「ケンブリッジ大学物理学部 特別科学賞 受賞」については記録もありませんし、そもそもセルカン氏は物理学の研究業績が皆無なので、物理学の研究によって(まともな)賞を授与されることはあり得ません。
  • 同様に、「America Medal of Honor(アメリカ名誉賞)」、U.S.Technology Award受賞の記録もありません。
  • 「プリンストン大学数学部講師」に就任したという記録もありません。またセルカン氏は数学分野の研究業績が皆無なので、数学部講師に就任するというこはまずあり得ません。
  • セルカン氏は「宇宙飛行士候補」と言うことになっていますが、NASAの宇宙飛行士候補のリストにも、宇宙飛行士のリストにも掲載されていません。








3、朝日新聞Be フロントランナーなどのメディアで、セルカン氏は「東京大学の宇宙物理学者」として紹介されておられますが、では宇宙物理に関する論文はいままでどのような学術誌で発表されておられたのでしょうか?



【0-1 関連サイト】

【0-2 関連する大学研究室・学部責任者・機関等】

【0-3 大学における経歴詐称・業績捏造等に関連する過去の事例についての参考文献】